
This page presents different levels of documentation based on your level of experience working with the TrustAPI:

  • The tutorials are expected to be used by first-time users of the TrustAPI. It uses pre-made repositories and walkthroughs to introduce the TrustAPI effortlessly.
  • The explanations cover the TrustAPI in detail, and are expected to be used by advanced users of the TrustAPI. These details are required for implementing advanced custom features using the TrustAPI.
  • The references give exact information for the different interfaces of the TrustAPI. It should be used by advanced users in conjunction with the explanations of the TrustAPI.

The layout and structure of this documentation is inspired by that suggested at Divio.


These are our step by step guides for adding Trustap to your site quickly and easily.

The PHP Tutorial gives an involved set of step-by-step instructions detailing how to develop a more custom Trustap integration using PHP. The information given here can be used with any backend language.

How-to Guides

These are guides for adding specific Trustap functionality to your site.

  • The Identity Details Guide covers how to add API functionality to your website to capture the user details required for paying out to sellers.


These explanations explore the objects and actions exposed by the TrustAPI, and their interactions. Some example explanations:

  • The Pricing page details how to retrieve and handle Trustap fee values when using the TrustAPI REST service.
  • The Online Transaction Lifecycle page details the lifecycle of Trustap online transactions in terms of its different states.


The TrustAPI references are detailed breakdowns of the interfaces included in our public APIs.